6 Traditional Central Javanese Foods You Should Know

DEPOSTJATENG – There are lots of very interesting Indonesian foods for us to enjoy and even Indonesian food is also very diverse and famous.

Therefore, Indonesian culinary tourism has become an attraction for tourists who want to try food from various regions or provinces.

One of the attractions of Indonesian culinary delights is traditional food from Central Java.

If you visit Central Java, you must enjoy the culinary delights here, one of which is the traditional culinary delights here.

Here are some culinary delights in Central Java that you must try, citing various sources.

– Mendoan

This food comes from tempeh, and mendoan comes from Banyumas and Purwekerto, but now this food is widely available in various regions, even mendoan tempeh is also recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage.

– Nasi Tiwul

This tiwul rice is made from cassava mixed with sugar or salt, this food is a typical Surakarta food, and for those who want to eat tiwul rice, you can eat it according to your taste, whether sweet or salty.

– Garang Asem

Garang asem is made from ayang meat cooked using coconut milk, and this food has a very unique and delicious taste, it is sour, spicy and refreshing.

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